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Paper on Subgoal Discovery accepted in NeurIPS 2019

Our recent paper, Learning from Trajectories via Subgoal Discovery, in NeurIPS 2019 proposes an approach to discover subgoals to solve complex tasks, from a limited number of expert demonstrations. Using these discovered subgoals leads to significantly faster robotic task learning with none to limited hand-designing of rewards. This work is done in collaboration between UCR...

NSF Grant “III: Medium: Efficient Collaborative Perception over Controllable Agent Networks”

New 1.2 Million NSF grant “III: Medium: Efficient Collaborative Perception over Controllable Agent Networks” was awarded to a team of 3 CSE Professors: Vagelis Christidis (PI), Vassilis Tsotras, and Vagelis Papalexakis and 2 ECE Professors: Amit Roy-Chowdhury and Konstantinos Karydis.

New grant to make artificial intelligent (AI) systems smarter

Amit Roy-Chowdhury, Konstantinos Karydis, and Salman Asif, electrical and computer engineering professors, along with Fabio Pasqualetti, a mechanical engineering professor, receive a $1.2M grant from the Office of Naval Research’s Science of Artificial Intelligence Program. Using recent advances in computer vision, machine learning, signal processing, robotics, and controls, researchers will explore AI’s capability of both...

Multiple papers on learning with limited supervision

VCG researchers have recently published a number of papers of learning in computer vision with limited supervision.

Joint Image/Video and Text Analysis

Recent papers in CVPR, ACM MM, and ACM ICMR have analyzed the issue of jointly analyzing visual and textual data. The CVPR-19 paper focuses on video moment retrieval based on associated captions, the ACM MM-18 paper considers web supervision for retrieval in joint image-text databases with limited labeled data, while the ICMR paper considered cross-modal...

Protecting Against Image/Video Manipualtions

A recent paper in T-IP proposed a novel deep network architecture for identifying image forgeries and presented results on multiple state-of-the-art datasets. A paper in NDSS-19 proposed how an adversary could design perturbations in video classification systems. Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2019. Adversarial Perturbations...

Papers in CVPR 2018 and ECCV 2018

Two papers have been accepted to IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. The details of the papers can be found here. Video Fast Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning, Exploiting Transitivity for Person Re-Identification Two papers have been accepted to the European Conf. on Computer Vision, 2018. The details of the papers can be...